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Who is our Service for

Bright Opportunities Enabling Services Ltd provides services to adults irrespective of gender, race, colour, nationality, religion, disability, culture, sexual preference, lifestyle, social standing or ability to pay. Our service is available to any Service User group including the infirm, those with physical disabilities, sensory loss, learning disabilities and those who are suffering from chronic debilitating or terminal illness.


Initial referral


You may have been referred to us by the social services department who have accepted at least some financial responsibility, or you may have contacted us yourself. In either case, information about you which is passed to us will be dealt with professionally, sensitively and in confidence. Before providing any services, we will need to talk with you as the person who is going to receive the service and any other interested parties. At the very outset we need to be sure that the services we provide are going to be suitable for you.


Assessing the need


The process starts with a Manager from Bright Opportunities Enabling Services Ltd completing an Initial Care Needs Assessment for you. We hope that you do not find the process by which we get to know your needs too intrusive. We want to build up a full picture and we will do this as quickly and tactfully as possible. Remember, all the information will be treated confidentially. Our aim is always to make sure that we understand what you need and what your preferences are about services, so that we can respond in ways which really suit you. We will contact you and arrange to visit you in order to draw up a Person-Centred Care Plan. This will record the details of the service which we will provide and when it will take place. It will contain information about how it will be delivered in accordance with your wishes.


Assessing the risks


If you have decided to have care provided in your own home, you will know of course that that carries some risk. Our care workers are unlikely to be with you all the time so there will not be the same level of support as you would receive in a residential home, for example. On the other hand, you retain your independence and many people find that, on balance, this measure of risk is worthwhile. Nevertheless, we want to be sure that everybody concerned understands the risks and has thought about them responsibly and that the risks to be taken are not unreasonable or unnecessary. So, your Person-Centred Care Plan will also include a risk assessment, which is conducted to ensure your safety as well as that of the carer. With you, we will be weighing up the risks to be taken with the advantages, and if it seems appropriate, we might make suggestions as to how unnecessary risks can be minimised.


Person Centred Care Plan


Having assessed your needs and the risks in the situation, we then again with you draw up a Person-Centred Care Plan. This is called a Care and Support Plan because you as the Service User really are central to it. It will record the details of the service which you have requested and indicate the times that you have requested. It will contain information about how it will be delivered in accordance with your wishes.


Access to Records


You will be able to access your file in accordance with the Data Protection Act. You may obtain a copy of our full Access to Records policy upon request.




You will be billed every 28 days.


Cancellation / Termination


You must give Bright Opportunities Enabling Services Ltd a minimum of 28 days’ notice, in writing, if you wish to cancel or terminate this service contract

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